The Lenape
In February, John Kraft spoke regarding the Lenape people. His father, Herbert Kraft, had done archeological studies in the Delaware River Valley which offered substantial evidence of the presence of the native people prior to colonial settlement.

Currently, as the Director of Lenape Lifeways Educational Programs, Inc., John presented an evening program focused on the Lenape or Delaware Indians of New Jersey. He illustrated his talk with detailed life drawings and photographs, and had objects displayed for the audience to have a "hands-on" experience.

Over the years, he has helped discover and excavate Lenape villages and artifacts and has added much new information about their family life, dwellings, diet, spiritual beliefs and technology. John and his father published The Indians of Lenapehoking, an educational unit on the Indians of New Jersey, and he has illustrated The Lenape or Delaware Indians and other books. His goal has always been to create enthusiasm and appreciation for the remarkable people called the "Lenape."