These back to back storms delivered a One - Two punch.
As it's best to prep ahead - here's suggestions to plan ahead:

At a minimum your kit should include: 

Bottled water (one gallon per person/per day for at least three days)  or at the minimum have water set  aside if you have a gas stove you can poil it on.

Food: at least a three-day supply of non-perishable foods that do not need cooking (ready-to-eat canned meats, fruits, vegetables, or juices, protein or granola bars, cereal, peanut butter, dried fruit, nuts, crackers, baby food, comfort foods) - keep these in an easily accessible place - maybe in a storage tub.

Manual can opener
Radio (battery-powered or hand crank), NOAA Weather Radio, and extra batteries
Flashlight or lantern, with extra batteries 

Cellphone and charger (also an auto, solar, or crank charger in case power is out) 

Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities and other basic tools 

Prescription medications (two-week supply) 

Garbage bags, soap, sanitizer, and other personal hygiene items 

Extra eyeglasses, contact lenses, and dentures 

Extra batteries for hearing aids, wheelchairs, or other medical equipment 

Change of clothes, ability to dress in layers,  and sturdy shoes / boots

Copies of insurance policies, bank account records, identification cards (IDs), medical information, and other important documents  - if you need to be evacuated or can't access internet.

Extra cash and traveler’s checks (ATMs may not work during a power outage) Banks may not be open

First-aid kit  

Whistle to signal for help 

Waterproof matches or lighter  - gas stoves hooked to electric need matches to light burners.

Local area maps  

Diapers, wipes, formula, baby food and supplies, if needed 

Water purification tablets

Set water in buckets or large empty plastic soda bottles near toilet to use when you can't flush.

If it's cold enought overnight to freeze, have small plastic bottles or plastic containers filled no more than 2/3 to stick frozen into refrigerator/freezer to help keep food cold longer. Or if there's snow = fill large storage containers with snow instead.

Have critical Power Company & any other utility numbers stored in your cell phone.

Also consider adding:
Watch or battery-operated clock
Household chlorine bleach, which can disinfect drinking water
Camp stove or grill with fuel or canned heat, neither of which should be used indoors
Disposable plates, cups, and utensils
Duct tape, plastic sheeting, or tarp
Seasonal items such as warm clothes for winter and sunscreen for summer
Sleeping bags or blankets
Books, games, puzzles, and other comfort items
Pet collar, leash, harness, crate, food, bowls, current photo, license and medical info 

Info courtesy of Upper Delaware FB page and